Here’s a comprehensive list of Patterns in Arabic

Table of Contents
What is this Tutorial About?
This is designed to be a reference for all the patterns in the Arabic language. We approach this by first dividing all possible words into nouns, verbs, and particles. We then go through each of these categories and give all common patterns. Of particular interest is the category of nouns, where we discuss the patterns for static nouns, gerunds, plurals, and so forth.
Note that this is a reference and should be treated as such; in particular, it is quite futile to study this tutorial and attempt to memorize the contents herein.
Particles do not follow the templatic system and hence they do not have patterns. They are what they are and they must be memorized as they are. But, on the bright side, there are under 80 particles in the entire language. The following charts briefly list all of these (note, some are repeated under different categories).
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Prepositions | |||
إلى | 12 | بِـ | 1 |
خَلا | 13 | تَـ | 2 |
عَدا | 14 | كَـ | 3 |
عَلى | 15 | لِـ | 4 |
(بني هذيل) | 16 | وَ | 5 |
مُنْذُ | 17 | رُبَّ | 6 |
حاشا | 18 | عَنْ | 7 |
(“عَتّى” بني
هذيل) | 19 | فِيْ | 8 |
/ لَعَلِّ /
عَلَّ / عَلِّ
(بني عقيل) | 20 | كَيْ | 9 |
وأخفش) | 21 | مُذْ | 10 |
مِنْ | 11 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Particles that
Resemble Verbs | |||
لـكِنَّ | 4 | إنَّ | 1 |
لَيْتَ | 5 | أَنَّ | 2 |
/ لَعَلِّ /
عَلَّ / عَلِّ | 6 | كَأَنَّ | 3 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Conjunctions | |||
لا | 6 | وَ | 1 |
إمّا | 7 | فَـ | 2 |
ثُمَّ | 8 | أَوْ | 3 |
حَتّى | 9 | أَمْ | 4 |
لـكِنْ | 10 | بَلْ | 5 |
Particle | # |
Interjections | |
ها | 1 |
أَلا | 2 |
أَما | 3 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Particles of
Vocation | |||
يا | 4 | أَ | 1 |
أَيا | 5 | آ | 2 |
هَيا | 6 | أَيْ | 3 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Particles of
Affirmation | |||
بَلى | 4 | إيْ | 1 |
جَيْرِ | 5 | أَجَلْ | 2 |
نَعَمْ | 6 | إِنَّ | 3 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Particles that
can be Extra | |||
لا | 5 | بِـ | 1 |
ما | 6 | لِـ | 2 |
مِنْ | 7 | إنْ | 3 |
أَنْ | 4 |
Particle | # |
Particles Used
for Clarification | |
أَنْ | 1 |
أَيْ | 2 |
Particle | # |
Particles for
the Infinitive | |
أَنْ | 1 |
ما | 2 |
أَنَّ | 3 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Particles for
Prodding | |||
لَوْلا | 4 | أَلا | 1 |
لَوْما | 5 | أَلاّ | 2 |
هَلاّ | 3 |
Particle | # |
Particle of
Nearness | |
قَدْ | 1 |
Particles of
Interrogation | |
أَ | 1 |
هَلْ | 2 |
Particle of Denial | |
كَلاّ | 1 |
Particle | # |
Particles of
Condition | |
إنْ | 1 |
لَوْ | 2 |
أَمّا | 3 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Particles | |||
(تنوين) | 4 | ـتْ | 1 |
الـ | 5 | ـنْ
(توكيد) | 2 |
(توكيد) | 3 |
The study of verb patterns is essentially the purpose behind Arabic morphology. The science discusses the patterns by first looking at verb endings (conjugation), then at verb paradigms, and finally at irregularities. The combination of these three aspects covers all possible patterns of verbs.
All of these aspects are readily available for study by visiting the Introduction to Arabic Morphology page.
Frozen Nouns
The following is a list of the possible patterns for frozen nouns (جامد). These patterns are all simple patterns and do not cover any words that have extra letters. For example, one will find that the word غضنفر (roaring lion) does not fit onto any of the patterns. This is because the نون in غضنفر is extra. In order to understand absolutely all the patterns for frozen nouns, one would have to study extra letters.
Particle | # | Particle | # |
3-Lettered (all combinations exist) | |||
فَعِل | 12 | فُعُل | 1 |
فَعْل | 13 | فُعَل | 2 |
(نادر) | 14 | فُعِل
(نادر) | 3 |
فِعَل | 15 | فُعْل | 4 |
فِعِل | 16 | فَعُل | 5 |
فِعْل | 17 | فَعَل | 6 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
4- or 5-Lettered | |||
فِعَلْل | 6 | فُعْلُل | 1 |
فُعَلْـلِل | 7 | فُعْلَل | 2 |
فَعَلْـلَل | 8 | فَعْلَل | 3 |
فَعَلْـلِل | 9 | فِعْلَل | 4 |
فَعْلَـلِل | 10 | فِعْلِل | 5 |
The following is a list of gerund patterns for simple verbs. However, these patterns are only those that can be analogized upon. Those that are heard from the Arabs and are taken as is have not been mentioned here. Furthermore, the gerund patterns for advanced verbs have been covered in the tutorial entitled Verb Paradigms.
Particle | # | Particle | # |
فَعيل | 6 | فَعْل | 1 |
فَعَلان | 7 | فَعَل | 2 |
فُعُوْلة | 8 | فُعال | 3 |
فَعالة | 9 | فِعال | 4 |
فُعول | 5 |
Derived Nouns
The patterns for the various derived nouns have been covered in great detail in the tutorial aptly entitled Derived Nouns.
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Minor Plurals | |||
أَفْعال | 3 | أَفْعُل | 1 |
فِعْلة | 4 | أَفْعِلة | 2 |
Particle | # | Particle | # |
Major Plurals | |||
فِعْلان | 13 | فُعْل | 1 |
فُعْلان | 14 | فُعُل | 2 |
فُعَلاء | 15 | فُعَل | 3 |
أَفْعِلاء | 16 | فِعَل | 4 |
فَواعِل | 17 | فُعَلة | 5 |
فَعائِل | 18 | فَعَلة | 6 |
فَعالِل | 19 | فِعَلة | 7 |
فَعالِيْ | 20 | فَعْلى | 8 |
فَعالى | 21 | فُعَّل | 9 |
فَعالِيّ | 22 | فُعّال | 10 |
فَعاليل | 23 | فَعال | 11 |
فُعُوْل | 12 |
This has been a reference of the most popular patterns in the language across the different categories of words. Less common patterns in Arabic have not been mentioned. And patterns that require deeper study, such as verbal templates and extra letters in frozen nouns, have been left for other tutorials at Learn Arabic Online. The Arabic word patterns that have been mentioned here, however, cover the vast majority in the language and one can safely read libraries of books relying solely on this set of patterns for assistance.