The Letter Aleph

· The first letter of the Arabic alphabet is Aleph
| ا |
Remember that all 29
letters in the alphabet are consonants
Well, this is not exactly true for Aleph
Aleph doesn’t have its own sound; it is used to stretch the short A
vowel to form the long AA vowel
compare the A sound in Bath & Father
the first is a short A and second is a long AA
& Pronouncing
· Listen to the words below. Each recording has two words that sound very similar except that the first word has no Aleph and the second word has one Aleph. Repeat the words you hear.
| hadatha & haadatha |
| suwwam & suwwaam |
| jariha & jarihaa |
· Sometimes it’s hard to hear the Aleph when it’s at the end of a word
· Exercise (easy): how many Alephs do you hear in the following?
Answer [7] | |
Answer [12] | |
Answer [9] |
Exercise (medium): how many
Alephs do you hear in the following?
The pace of the reading is now faster
Answer [6] | |
Answer [27] | |
Answer [17] |
Exercise (hard): how many
Alephs do you hear in the following?
The pace is faster and the Alephs aren’t exaggerated
This is how normal Arabic sounds
Answer [18] |
in Text
· Writing the Aleph is easy; it’s just a straight line
This is how the Aleph looks in the four cases
end | middle | beginning of a word | by itself |
ـا | ـا
ـ | ا
ـ | ا |
Notice that the Aleph cannot
connect to the letter after it
There will be a small gap between the Aleph and the next letter
All the letters in a word
must be closely connected
The only spaces between letters are the spaces between the last letter of one
word and the first letter of the next word
So don’t confuse the small gap after the Aleph with a space between words
Aleph is one of 6 letters
that cannot connect to the following letter
The other 5 will be discussed later
There are 4 other letters that
include a straight line
Let’s look at these letters briefly so we don’t confuse them with Aleph
ظ ك ل
It’s easy to tell Aleph
apart from the first 3 letters because they have very distinct shapes. The
first two look like a golf club, and the third one has a special squiggle on
The last one is more difficult, though. Let’s look at the 4 forms for the last
one and compare with the Aleph
end | middle | beginning of a word | by itself | |
ـا | ـا
ـ | ا
ـ | ا | ا |
ـل | ـلـ | لـ | ل | ل |
Look carefully. You can
tell the difference between Aleph and this letter when it’s in the beginning or
middle of a word because Aleph doesn’t connect with the following letter, but
this one does
And you can tell the difference when it’s at the end because Aleph is just a
straight line and this letter has a curve like the English letter J
· Exercise: scan the following texts and identify all instances of Aleph
كانت صلوة
اسم ربك ذي
الجلال والاكرام
· Answers: [2, 0, 1, 7]
Notice that when Aleph
comes after the letter ل, it looks like this: لا
The Aleph curves in to the left a little
· When you write the Aleph and it doesn’t connect to the letter on the right, start from the top and draw a line downward
· When you write the Aleph and it does connect to the letter on the right, come in from the right and draw a line upward
· Exercise: practice writing Aleph by copying the table below several times
end | middle | beginning of a word | by itself |
ـا | ـا
ـ | ا
ـ | ا |
This lesson was authored by Mohtanick Jamil
FREE Course
- 1 About the Arabic Alphabet
- 2 Letter Aleph
- 3 Letters Baa, Taa, THaa
- 4 Vowel Fatha
- 5 Lesson Review
- 6 Letters Jeem, Haa, KHaa
- 7 Reading & Writing Review
- 8 Letters Daal, Dhaal
- 9 Letters Raa, Zeiy
- 10 Pronunciation Review
- 11 Letters Seen, SHeen
- 12 Letters Saad, Daad
- 13 Vowels Kasra, Damma
- 14 Letters Taa, Zaa
- 15 Letters Ein, GHein
- 16 Arabic Syllables
- 17 Letters Faa, Qaaf, Kaaf
- 18 Letters Laam, Meem, Noon
- 19 Rest of the Alphabet
- 20 Review & Practice
- 21 Double Vowel
- 22 Reading Arabic Sentences