Improve Your Pronunciation
· Let’s recall the letters we’ve seen so far
end | middle | beginning | by itself | |
ـا | ـا
ـ | ا ـ | ا | Does NOT connect |
ـب | ـبـ | بـ | ب | connects |
ـت | ـتـ | تـ | ت | |
ـث | ـثـ | ثـ | ث | |
ـج | ـجـ | جـ | ج | |
ـح | ـحـ | حـ | ح | |
ـخ | ـخـ | خـ | خ | |
ـد | ـد
ـ | د ـ | د | Does NOT connect |
ـذ | ـذ
ـ | ذ ـ | ذ | |
ـر | ـرـ | رـ | ر | |
ـز | ـزـ | زـ | ز |
· Aleph stretches the Fatha vowel and creates a long A sound like in the word “Father”
· Baa is exactly like the letter B

Taa is like the letter T
except softer
You pronounce it by placing the tip of your tongue behind your central incisors
THaa is like the
combination TH like in the word Bath
You pronounce it by placing the tip of your tongue beneath your central
incisors and then breathing softly
· Jeem is like the letter J

Haa is like the letter H
except it’s much more guttural (throaty)
You pronounce it by bringing the air out from the middle of your throat (near
the trachea)
KHaa is like the sound in
the German name Bach
There is no English equivalent
You pronounce it by bringing the air out from the top of your throat (near the

Daal is like the letter D
except softer
You pronounce it very similarly to the letter Taa
Except more of your tongue touches the top of your mouth
With Taa, the tip of your tongue touches the part of your mouth where the skin
meets the roots of the central incisors
With Daal, the tip plus more of your tongue touches that part
Dhaal is a bit like the
English Z
It actually sounds more like the TH in the word This or That
You pronounce it like you pronounce THaa except a bit more of your tongue
touches the bottom of your central incisors
Also, there’s a bit of a shiver in your tongue
Raa is like the letter R
Except your tongue is a bit closer to the opening of your mouth when you
pronounce it
· Zeiy is almost exactly like the letter Z
This lesson was authored by Mohtanick Jamil
FREE Course
- 1 About the Arabic Alphabet
- 2 Letter Aleph
- 3 Letters Baa, Taa, THaa
- 4 Vowel Fatha
- 5 Lesson Review
- 6 Letters Jeem, Haa, KHaa
- 7 Reading & Writing Review
- 8 Letters Daal, Dhaal
- 9 Letters Raa, Zeiy
- 10 Pronunciation Review
- 11 Letters Seen, SHeen
- 12 Letters Saad, Daad
- 13 Vowels Kasra, Damma
- 14 Letters Taa, Zaa
- 15 Letters Ein, GHein
- 16 Arabic Syllables
- 17 Letters Faa, Qaaf, Kaaf
- 18 Letters Laam, Meem, Noon
- 19 Rest of the Alphabet
- 20 Review & Practice
- 21 Double Vowel
- 22 Reading Arabic Sentences