Free Trial: Experience the Method for Yourself (for Free!)
We’re glad you’ve decided to take the free trial. This trial consists of a 45 page document and 4 full length videos. Alhamdulillah, our main Arabic program has been in session for over 20 years now. Thousands of students have enrolled over the years and from barely knowing the alphabet have gotten themselves to levels beyond what they thought was possible. All based on a particular approach that gets straight to the heart of the language and teaches the most elaborate topics FIRST.
In fact, Ustaz Mohtanick who is the author of all of the tutorials at Learn Arabic Online is a graduate of this very system. He credits his own deep understanding of the language to our classes, alhamdulillah.
I just heard from him this past Eid (2020) after many years. Here’s what he said:

We believe so strongly in this approach to studying Arabic, that we’ve published a free report about it. This report is now required reading for all of our students and potential students. The 45 page document (and the rest of the free trial) contains a tremendous amount of teaching including most of the “Core-4%” that we cover in the first weeks of class. We would highly recommend it for any serious student of Arabic. Watch this 10 minute video first and then simply click the link below it and enter your information for free instant access!
Go here to access the free workshop: Read Arabic with Understanding in 21 Days!